
At ChickenFans, we do our best to give you the most accurate information available. However, all our content, like text, images, infographics, automated tooling, and other material on the website is for informational purposes only. Any advice given is general purpose advice that does not factor in any situation that might be applicable to your backyard flocks, chickens or animals in general. You need to make your own assessment and when appropriate seek professional advice.

The content we share can never be a replacement for a correct diagnosis by a veterinarian, professional advice, or treatment. If you are concerned about the well-being and health of your chickens, or any pet animal we write about or have any questions, seek the advice of a veterinarian.

In our articles, we give advice and make certain statements and claims, based on current research and to the best of our knowledge. None of these statements or claims on the website have been individually evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). You can use the information we publish as you like, but it is never intended to be a complete set of rules and guidelines to make a conclusive diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or cure of any disease, illness, or health condition of your pet. Never disregard veterinarian advice or delay looking for a vet because you have read something on our website.

In case of an emergency, we urge you to call or visit a veterinarian or hospital immediately. Many diseases go asymptomatic or have paradoxical clinical signs, only professional advice can be conclusive. We do not endorse or recommend any specific veterinarian, product, procedure, opinion, diagnosis, or other information that we may mention on the website. Reliance on any information published on this website is entirely at your own risk.

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