Chicken Fans Editorial Team

The editorial team consists of 3rd generation chicken owners Kat, journalist, editor-in-chief, and Nick, working with illustrators and specialists in the field.

Creating a Dust Bath for Chickens

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

All chickens love dust baths. It’s the ideal activity to keep them happy, entertained, and clean. Chickens clean themselves by getting dirty and pure chickens are less likely to catch parasites or other major health issues. Make sure you have plenty of dust baths available so multiple chickens can enjoy their dust bath simultaneously. It’s […]

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Common Chicken Health Problems And Solutions

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

A chicken is a living creature and comes with its health issues. When observing your flock, always keep an eye on possible chicken health problems. We’ll comment on some of the most common chicken health problems and the possible solutions to the problem. First Aid for Chickens It is important to remember that chickens are […]

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Most Common Chicken Predators

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Unfortunately, there are various kinds of predators who are after your chickens. And once they’ve discovered the chicken coop, chances are, they’ll keep on coming until all your chickens are dead. In this article, we’ll guide you through the most common predators and how to recognize the animal that’s terrifying your flock. We also give […]

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Raising Baby Chicks – Everything You Need To Know

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Raising playful baby chicks isn’t too hard if you know the ins and outs. We’ll guide you through the process! Getting Your Chicks First of all, you need to get some chicks! You can hatch your own eggs, but prepare a decent-sized incubator if you do so. The other option is buying day-old chicks: You […]

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How Much Space Do Chickens Need?

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

When it comes to chicken runs or chicken coops, size does matter! How much space do chickens need inside the run or coop? Like humans, chickens like their own personal space. When a chicken run becomes too crowded, they feel stressed and sad. But how much space do they need? And can I keep chickens […]

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Chicken Molting Care Guide: How To Help Your Hens?

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Chicken molting can be frightening, with bald spots and loose feathers inside the coop. It may look like your chickens are sick. But don’t worry! Molting is a very common yearly process that looks scary but isn’t dangerous. This common annual occurrence may appear alarming but poses no real danger. Nevertheless, giving your chickens extra […]

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Hatching Chicken Eggs: Day by Day Guide

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Hatching chicken eggs isn’t that difficult. When you have the time, and more importantly, when you have small children, it’s much more educational and way cooler to keep an eye on the hatching process yourself instead of buying an adult chicken. Don’t worry; the chick inside does most of the work. Hatching eggs isn’t that […]

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How to Raise Chickens – The Complete Guide (2024)

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Raising chickens is easy. You just need to know a couple of things. Let’s walk through every step. Starting Off How many chickens should you keep? Most people start with about three to six pullets in their backyard. Once the pullets are around 6 months old, they’re old enough to start laying, depending on their […]

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