
Can Chickens Learn Their Name? (How to Train Them)

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Chickens are often underrated for their intelligence, but did you know they can learn and recognize their names? They even recognize the voices of their owners.

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How Tall Are Chickens?

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Have you ever wondered how tall an average-sized chicken is? You’re not alone! And there is no straightforward answer, as this depends on the breed and the gender of the bird. But we’ll get you started by answering the most common questions about a chicken’s height and size. How tall is a chicken? A medium-sized […]

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Best Farm Shoes To Wear In The Chicken Coop

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

If you’ve ever had chicken poop stuck on the bottom of your shoes, you know the value of appropriate farm shoes. A dedicated pair of footgear for chicken coop chores is essential. And with the largest bird flu outbreak ever, keeping the chicken coop a bio-safety zone is vital.

There are plenty of farm boots or shoes on the market, and we’ll address the best ones by type and usage.

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10 Great Ways To Keep Chickens Out Of The Garden

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Chickens can be real Houdini’s. They jump or flap over the fence and wander off to your neighbor’s backyard or vegetable garden. Or maybe you’re not a chicken owner but get some unwanted visitors from time to time, destroying your plants. There are many humane, easy, and straightforward ways to keep your chickens inside the […]

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How Many Chickens Are in the World in 2023? (Chicken Statistics)

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Chickens are the most abundant and widespread domestic livestock in the world. The total number of chickens worldwide has tripled since 1990, from 10.6 billion birds to over 34.4 billion in 2023. The spectacular growth results from the rising global demand for eggs and meat. Unfortunately, this all comes with a price. Chickens are the […]

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Can Chickens See In The Dark?

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

No, chickens can not see very well in the dark. They are not nocturnal animals like cats that sleep most of the day and are awake at night, so their sight isn’t adjusted to dark surroundings. As chickens roost at night and have bad night vision, they are vulnerable to predators when darkness falls. There […]

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Will Chickens Eat Snow For Water?

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

Yes, chickens can and will eat snow for water during winter, especially if no other water source is available. Chickens are hardy animals that do very well during harsh and cold winters; they don’t mind eating snow instead of water and will even do so even if there is plenty of water around. But there […]

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10 Easy Ways To Keep Chicken Water From Freezing

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

During cold and freezing winter, you’ll have to regularly replace your chickens’ water so it can’t freeze. This can be unpleasant and not always possible when working all day. We’ll address 10 EASY ways to keep your chickens water from freezing in the winter and things you should not do.

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Can Chickens Hatch Quail Eggs?

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

The answer is as simple as it is straightforward: Yes, broody chickens can hatch quail eggs. But there are some things to remember, as chickens and quails are not the same animals. We’ll guide you through the process to ensure you’ll hatch these quail eggs successfully. 6 Things to remember to successfully hatch and raise […]

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SOS Broody Hen: 8 Ways To Stop Broodiness In Chickens

By Chicken Fans Editorial Team

It’s a common frustration among chicken owners: a hen refusing to leave the nest, desperate to hatch eggs, even if no eggs are found. Not only can broodiness be dangerous for your chicken, but it also temporarily stops egg production. Let’s find out how to solve broodiness in chickens and how to deal with a […]

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