How Tall Are Chickens?

Have you ever wondered how tall an average-sized chicken is? You’re not alone! And there is no straightforward answer, as this depends on the breed and the gender of the bird. But we’ll get you started by answering the most common questions about a chicken’s height and size.
How tall is a chicken?
A medium-sized chicken is around 20 inches to 25 inches (50cm – 63 cm) tall and weighs around 5.7 pounds (2.5 kg). Depending on their breed and gender, chickens can be bigger or smaller than the average size.
An average-sized or medium-sized chicken is a bird that’s not small or giant. Many egg-laying breeds are medium-sized, like White or Brown Leghorns, Legbars, Vorwerk, Green Queens, Calico Princess, and even Rhode Island Reds, although they’re a slightly bigger breed weighing around 6.5-8.5 pounds (3-3.8 kg).
Keeping medium-sized chickens has many advantages; many medium-sized birds are both great egg layers and decent meat birds. Next to that, you don’t have to make many adjustments to the coop and run because all your hens are the same size. They all fit perfectly in the same-sized nesting boxes, coop doors, and height. Even when thinking about purchasing an automatic coop door, you can easily buy a standard size, like the ChickenGuard, Omlet, or Run Chicken, instead of buying a door for larger breeds, like the Vevor door.
If you want to find out how much space to provide for your medium-sized flock, check out our ‘Coop Size Calculator‘.

How much does a chicken weigh?
On average, a chicken weighs 5.7 pounds (2.5 kg) and is around 20 to 25 inches tall (50 – 63 cm), although its size depends on its breed, gender, and plumage. Roosters weigh more than hens, Orpingtons weigh more than Leghorns, and chickens with dense feathering carry around extra weight.
Many heavy chicken breeds are available, and most are great dual-purpose breeds suited for both meat and eggs. One of the best-known heavy chicken breeds is Cochin. Cochin chickens are heavy and quite lazy, not the best foragers. This makes them prone to obesity. Don’t feed these heavy breeds too many table scraps, as they can become overweight, which can increase egg production.
Keep in mind that a healthy bird is a happier bird, so don’t let them become overweight. Never feed more than 10% of their total amount of daily feed in snacks.

What are the biggest chicken breeds?
Some breeds are bigger than others; in chickens, many giant breeds are quite common and will bring you many eggs. But there is something to keep in mind when keeping large chicken breeds: you’ll need more space, both inside the coop and outside. On the other hand, most big breeds won’t escape the run as easily because of their weight, so there is no need to install high fencing.
Our top 10 large chicken breeds that are excellent egg-layers
- Orpington
- Australorp
- Jersey Giant
- Brahma
- Coucou de Malines
- Wyandotte
- Sussex
- Langshan
- Faverolles
- New Hampshire Red
Have we tickled your interest? Find out everything about large chicken breeds in our article ‘20 Amazing Giant Chicken Breeds‘.
What are the smallest chicken breeds?
Small chicken breeds or Bantam breeds can be a great asset to your backyard flock, especially if you don’t have a very large garden. They don’t need as much space as bigger breeds, but most still love to free-range and forage all day. Kids love these miniature chickens and like to keep them as pet chickens. Some of these small chicken breeds can even be picked up and cuddled.
Our top 10 small chicken breeds that are beginner-friendly
- Silkies
- Dutch Bantam
- Serama
- Belgian D’Uccle
- Cochin Bantam
- Sebright
- Modern Game Bantam
- Appenzeller Bantam
- Belgian Barbu d’Anvers
- Booted Bantam
If you want to learn more about these breeds, check out ‘10 small chicken breeds that are beginner-friendly‘.
Credits Featured Image: @bnflocks (IG)